Kaskelot Online is a cloud-based service for managing staffing, premises, materials and equipment for the planning and execution of elections in an efficient and secure way.

Elections are a cornerstone of our democratic society. The planning work for an election and its implementation must not go wrong. 

When a local council election, parliamentary election, church election or European election takes place, it is of the utmost importance that quality, control and clarity permeate the logistics and planning work relating to resources, facilities and equipment. 

In this work, Kaskelot Online creates time and cost effectiveness.  
A number of municipalities already use Kaskelot Online. 

Effective administration of elections

Kaskelot Online simplifies administration and management at all stages for those who work with elections. In addition, it supports the interaction with external voluntary resources, "poll clerks", who will work on the electoral implementation on the ground at various polling stations.

Kaskelot Online enables poll clerks to sign up for electoral work, as well as for the municipality to centrally plan and allocate these available resources to designated polling stations. Kaskelot Online also has a link with the Swedish tax agency that enables control and updating of the poll clerk's census entry. 

How does the system work? 

The Kaskelot Online cloud service is IT support that enables minimal resource utilization for the municipality, both in terms of finance and personnel.

Precio Fishbone is responsible for all ongoing management, further development and support of the system. Further development is driven in collaboration with a user association, where most of the municipalities are involved.

In the system you administer: 

  • Registers of persons and premises 
  • Staffing 
  • Courses 
  • Electoral structure 
  • Templates and reports 
  • SMS and Mail mailings 
  • Edit external web part

The system consists of 3 parts 

An internal operations system based on basic needs for logistics planning in preparation for general elections. Among other things, this section contains registers of buildings, premises, and persons, and provides support for staffing, administration and analysis.  

A public website containing information pages, as well as application and contact forms for the management of poll clerks.  

An internal part for poll clerks, where they can log in and see their assigned electoral districts and which other poll clerks they will work with. The poll clerk also has the opportunity to administer courses it is proposed they attend before the start of their work. 

Secure storage and management

Access to the respective polling station’s specific tasks and resources makes it easier to manage, plan and manage all logistics before, during and after an election. All relevant information is handled in a single system.  

The clear and secure management will also allow you to save basic data for the next election, making it easier for changes in personnel. 

  • All data is stored in Microsoft's Azure cloud service. 
  • All data is stored in the EU and stored in three physical locations at the same time.